A varied offer of activities of leisure
In the proximities of the O Forno hotel you will be able to enjoy in activities in contact with the nature, even with the assistance of personnel and guides, by the hand of a local specializing company
Routes of hiking, by foot or in bicycle, rent of kayaks, rides in a zodiac or for the most riskiest, in a ski-bus, excursions guided by the banks of the Sor river or by the Barquero estuary
To visit the recreative area, Bares, Saint Maria Mogor church... and in the nights, the nearby localities of Viveiro and Ortigueira offer a great night environment
.: Traditional festivities:
You enjoy also the traditional festivities:
- Shellfish party: during the bank holidays of the Constitution Day
- Santa Rosa, in Esteiro: at the beginning of August
- Town festivities and "Noite Meiga": at the beginning of September